Training and Consultation

Worthy & Known Family Project utilizes 3 evidence-based practices as core curriculums for families, caregivers and the system of care.

Trust-Based Relational Intervention®

TBRI® has, at its core, the goal of building attuned, trusting relationships. TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed, whole-person approach to meeting the needs of children, youth and adults who have experienced early adversity, toxic stress, or relational trauma. The TBRI® model was developed at TCU by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross to address the effects of early adversity and relational trauma using three principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting. TBRI® is based on the idea that effective interventions must focus on the whole person—their behaviors, emotions, thoughts, relationships, ecology, and physiology.

TBRI® is for anyone who has, works with, or serves children and families in any capacity. The full TBRI® Caregiver Training is up to 24 hours of in-person coursework and practical application. We are able to customize the training to meet the needs of participants, starting with a 3-hour Trauma & TBRI Overview.

Making Sense of Your Worth

Throughout the course of our work, we have discovered there is a missing piece to helping individuals heal from the negative, hurtful events they were exposed to throughout their lives. Individuals may have made sense of the events on a cognitive level, and even on an emotional level, but have not yet taken the journey to understand how these life events (both big and small) have impacted their positive self-worth. The classes (2 hours per session for 8 sessions) focus on developing an understanding of the “lies” an individual believes about themselves, such as “I am not good enough,” or “I am not smart enough,” or “I have no patience” and how to replace these lies with truth. In addition, once a participant is released from the beliefs associated with the past, the sessions focus on rebuilding a new life based on positive self-worth as well as how to maintain these gains.

Parenting for Positive Self-Worth

This 8-week course follows the completion of Making Sense of Your Worth. Parenting for Positive Self-Worth focuses on learning a variety of parenting strategies designed to help adults parent their children in such a way that promotes healing from any exposure to trauma they experienced. In addition, the parenting strategies are designed to help parents establish positive self-worth in their children. This program is designed to stop the generational cycle of harm that permeates so many hurting families.  

One-on-one hourly training and consultation is also available.