Equipping the System of Care
Training the agencies and individuals who engage with the families we serve by providing trauma training and tools that will strengthen interactions and increase positive outcomes.
The body of the Church has a unique opportunity to bring hope through Jesus. Understanding the impacts of trauma on individuals and our community while implementing tools like Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), increases our ability to share that hope. Creating Family Advocacy Ministries within the church provides the framework and resources necessary to raise up and wrap around foster families.
Highlands County, FL and southern Maine are in desperate need of loving foster families to care for the children of our counties who need a temporary, safe, loving home.
Trauma affects the behavior of children and adults. Equipping teachers and administrators with the tools to understand and address trauma-related behaviors creates more space for academic learning and improved outcomes.
Law enforcement, the court system, case management, health care, government, and businesses exist to serve the families in our community. We all become more effective when we learn how to address trauma-related issues.
We recommend anyone working with children and families in Highlands County take part in our 3-hour Trauma & Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Overview